What we offer

Our organization endeavors to foster collaboration between private capital and public actors, aiming to bridge the existing gap. Drawing upon our expertise in infrastructure and real estate investing, finance, and politics, we possess a comprehensive understanding of the unique circumstances faced by different stakeholders. This enables us to develop sustainable solutions for the benefit of all parties involved.

About us

The company was founded in 2017 by HG Wessberg, Lars Almquist and Rolf Dickson Könberg. HG had been one of the state’s negotiators in the just completed “Sweden-negotiations” on expanded infrastructure,while Lars and Rolf assisted with possible private co-financing for the Stockholm Bypass and for the expansion of the Roslagsbanan.

We jointly concluded that there was a large and persistent need for infrastructure development and financing. Municipalities would need to finance the development of housing and community properties, which in turn will drive the demand for community services: pre-schools, schools and sports facilities.

Public Affairs

In addition to our expertise, we have cultivated a vast network of contacts within real estate, finance, and especially politics. This expansive network enables us to facilitate the communication between public and private actors and to generate long-term and sustainable solutions that address the needs of all stakeholders. We can help with introductions to decision makers and organisations that will hep your purpose.

Real Estate, Infrastructure & Public affairs

What our clients say about us